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School Board Recognition Week

This week marks School Board Recognition Week in New York! Did you know that school boards are comprised of volunteers, who receive no compensation for their service? Their hugely important work is done only for the purposes of guiding and improving education for our students. 

Some interesting facts: New York State currently has 691 school districts – each with its own school board – which means that there are over 5,000 school board members serving throughout the state. They oversee more than 2.6 million students (K-12), and $69 billion in budgeted spending. Your LaFayette Central School District Board Members are: 

Stephanie Dow, President
Mark Whitney, Vice President
Carole Dwyer
Jody Gates
Janine LeBlanc
Gary Oelkers
Ronald Shawn Reyburn

Thank you all for your tireless efforts in supporting the education of our students!

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