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Capital Project Meeting and Vote Scheduled for October

The LaFayette Central School District is excited to announce it's proposed Capital Project for 2024-25. The project goals are to improve air quality and air conditioning, to upgrade the kindergarten classroom bathrooms, to expand Big Picture project-based learning, to improve the Junior/Senior high school athletics spaces, and to upgrade building and site infrastructure to ensure accessibility, health and security.

Some dates to remember: 

October 9: Public Information Meeting, 5:30 p.m. at the Big Picture School Commons
October 30: Capital Project vote, 1 - 9 p.m. at the junior/senior high school.  

The projected cost for the project totals $17.2 million, but is projected to have no local tax impact. Here is a breakdown of the projected costs: 
  • Capital Project Total: $17,200,000
  • NYS Building Aid Reimbursement: 87.0%
  • Capital Reserve Fund: $2,623,202
  • Estimated Native American Building Aid: $2,678,464
  • Capital Project Overall Local Share: $272,000
  • Estimated Tax Increase: $0 impact
For more information on the Capital Project (including improvements by school/building and maps), please visit our Capital Project page.
click on image to visit capital project page
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