LaFayette is Out to Bid
LaFayette CSD has received approval from the New York State Education Department for the plans to make capital improvements at LaFayette Jr/Sr High School, LaFayette Big Picture School, Grimshaw Elementary School, and the District Maintenance/Transportation Building. This $5.4 million dollar capital project was approved by the voters in May 2017. Capital improvements intend to address a number of items from the recent building condition survey and improve spaces in the kitchen areas, cafeteria at the high school, team rooms in the high school basement, and upgrades to the wellness center. Construction is planned for the summer of 2019 with a plan to have the work completed during the fall months.The project was designed by Ashley McGraw Architects in Syracuse, New York. LaFayette utilizes the services of Turner Construction for Construction Management and also employs a part-time Clerk of the Works to oversee capital improvements to the district.
Details regarding the drawings, specifications and bid documents are included in the bid announcement found on this web page.