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LaFayette School Board Policies

LaFayette School Board Policy Book

By-Laws Section 1000
Internal Operations Section 2000
Community Relations Section 3000
Administration Section 4000
Non-Instructional/Business Operations Section 5000
Personnel Section 6000
Students Section 7000
Instruction Section 8000



Section 1000 - Table of Contents
1110 - School District and Board of Education Legal Status and Authority 1120 - Board of Education: Qualifications, Numbers and Terms of Office 1210 - Board Members: Nomination and Elections
1220 - Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions 1230- Resignation and Dismissal 1310 - Powers and Duties of the Board
1320 - Nomination and Election of Board Officers and Duties of the President and Vice President 1330 - Appointments and Designations by the Board 1331 - Duties of the District Clerk
1332 - Duties of the District Treasurer 1333 - Duties of the Tax Collector 1334 - Duties of the External (Independent) Auditor
1335 - Appointment and Duties of the Claims Auditor 1336 - Duties of the Extraclassroom Activity Fund Central Treasurer and Faculty Auditor 1337 - Duties of the School Attorney
1338 - Duties of the School Physician/Nurse Practioner 1410 - Policy and Administrative Regulations 1510 - Regular Board Meetings and Rules (Quorum and Parliamentary Procedure)
1520 - Special Meetings of the Board 1530 - Minutes 1540 - Executive Sessions
1610 - Annual District Meeting and Election/Budget Vote 1611 - Business of the Annual District Election 1620 - Annual Organizational Meeting
1630 - Legal Qualifications of Voters at District Meetings 1640 - Absentee, Military, and Early Mail Ballots 1650 -Submission of Questions and Propositions at Annual Meeting and Elections and Special District Meetings

Internal Operations
Section 2000 - Table of Contents
2110 - Orienting and Training New Board Members 2210 - Committees of the Board 2320 -Attendance by Board Members at Conferences, Conventions and Workshops
2330 - Compensation and Expenses 2340 - Board Self-Evaluations  

Community Relations
Section 3000 - Table of Contents
3110 - Media/Municipal Governments/Senior Citizens 3111 - Audio, Video, and/or Digital Taping of Meetings and Conversations 3120 - District Standards and Guidelines for Web Page Publishing
3140 - Flag Display 3150 - School Volunteers 3160 - Charter Schools
3210 - Visitors to the School 3220 - Use of Assistance Animals 3230 - Public Complaints
3271 - Solicitation of Charitable Donations 3272 - Advertising in the Schools 3280 - Use of School Facilities, Materials, and Equipment
3281 - Use of Facilities by the Boy Scouts of America and Patriotic Youth Groups 3290 - Operation of Motor-Driven Vehicles on District Property 3310 - Public Access to Records
3320 - Confidentiality of Computerized Information 3410 - Code of Conduct on School Property 3411- Prohibition of Weapons on School Grounds
3412 - Threats of Violence in School 3420 - Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District 3421 - Title IX and Sex Discrimination
3430 - Uniform Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting System (VADIR) 3510 - Emergency School Closings  

Section 4000 - Table of Contents
4110 - Administrative Personnel 4210 - Administrative Organization and Operation 4212 - Organizational Chart
4220 - Administrative Authority 4230 - District Committees 4240 - Evaluation of the Superintendent and Other Administrative Staff
4310 - Superintendent of Schools 4320 - Superintendent-Board Relations  

Non-Instructional/Business Operations
Section 5000 - Table of Contents
5110 - Budget Planning and Development 5120 - School District Budget Hearing 5130 - Budget Adoption
5140 - Administration of the Budget   5210 - Revenues
5220 - District Investments 5230 - Acceptance of Gifts, Grants, and Bequests to the District 5240 - School Tax Assessment and Collection/PropertyTax Exemptions
5250 - Sale and Disposal of District Property 5310 - Bonding of Employees and Board Members 5320 - Expenditures of District Funds
5321 - Use of the District Credit Card 5322 - Use of the District Cell Phone 5323 - Reimbursement for Meals/Refreshments
5410 - Purchasing: Competitive Bidding and Offering 5411 - Procurement of Goods and Services 5412 - Alternative Formats for Instructional Materials
5413 - Uniform Grant Guidance for Federal Awards 5510 - Accounting of Funds 5511 - Maintenance of Fund Balance
5512 - Reserve Funds 5520 - Extraclassroom 5530 - Petty Cash Fund and Cash in School Buildings
5540 - Publication of District's Annual Financial Statement 5550 - Maintenance of Fiscal Effort (Title I Programs) 5560 - Use of Federal Funds For Political Expenditures
5570 - Financial Accountability 5571 - Allegations of Fraud 5572 - Audit Committee
5610 - Insurance 5620 - Fixed Asset Inventories, Accounting, and Tracking 5630 - Facilities: Inspection, Operation and Maintenance
5631 - Hazardous Waste and Handling of Toxic Substances by Employees 5632 - Pest Management and Pesticide Use 5633- Gender Neutral Single-Occupancy Bathrooms
5640 - Smoking/Tobacco Use 5650 - Energy Conservation and Recycling in the Schools 5660 - School Food Service Program (Lunch and Breakfast)
5661 - Wellness 5670 - Records Management 5671 - Disposal of Consumer Report Information and Records
5672 - Information Security Breach and Notification 5673 - Employee Personal Identifying Information  
5674 - Data Networks and Security Access 5675 - Student Grading Information Systems 5676 - Data Privacy and Security
5681 - School Safety Plans 5682 - Cardiac Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in Public School Facilities 5683 - Fire and Emergency Drills, Bomb Threats and Bus Emergency Drills
5684 - Use of Surveillance Cameras in the District and on School Buses 5690 - Exposure Control Program 5691 - Communicable Diseases
5692 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illnesses 5710 - Transportation Program 5711 - Use of School-Owned Vehicles
5720 - Transportation of Students 5730 - School Bus Safety Program 5731 - Idling School Buses on School Grounds
5740 - Qualifications of Bus Drivers 5741 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers and Other Safety-Senstitive Employees 5840- Artificial Intelligence

Section 6000 - Table of Contents
6110 - Code of Ethics for Board Members and All District Personnel 6111 - Testing Misconduct and Mandatory Reporting Requirements 6120- Equal Employment Opportunity
6121 - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 6122 - Employee Grievances  
6130 - Evaluation of Personnel 6140 - Employee Medical Examinations 6150 - Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances
6151 - Drug-Free Workplace 6160 - Professional Growth/Staff Development 6161 - Conference/Travel Expense Reimbursement
6170 - Fingerprinting Clearance of New Hires 6171 - Safe Monitoring Act 6180 - Staff-Student Relations (Fraternization)
6190 - Workplace Violence Prevention    
6211 - Employment of Relatives of Board Members 6212- Certification and Qualifications 6213 - Registration and Professional Development
6214 - Incidental Teaching 6215 - Probation and Tenure 6216 - Disciplining of a Tenured Teacher or Certified Personnel
6217 - Professional Staff 6218 - Teacher Assignment, Transfer and Reduction of Staff 6220 - Temporary Personnel
6310 - Appointment - Support Staff 6320 - Supplementary School Personnel 6410 - Staff Acceptable Use Policy
6411 - Use of Email in the District 6420 - Employee Personnel Records and Release of Information 6430 - Employee Political Activities 
6450 - Theft of Services or Property 6520 - Medicare Reimbursement 6530 - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
6540 - Defense and Indemification of Board Members and Employees 6550 - Leaves of Absence 6551 - Family and Medical Leave Act
6552 -Military Leaves of Absence 6560 - Determination of Employment Status: Employee or Independent Contractor 6562 - Employment of Retired Persons

Section 7000 - Table of Contents
7110 - Comprehensive Student Attendance 7120 - Age of Entrance 7121 - Diagnostic Screening of Students
7122 - Assignment of Students to Elementary Schools 7130 - Entitlement to Attend - Age of Residency 7131 - Education of Students in Temporary Housing
7132 - Non-Resident Students 7133 - Education of Students in Foster Care 7140 - School Census
7210 - Student Evaluation, Promotion and Placement    
7211 - Provision of Interpreter Services to Parents Who Are Hearing Impaired 7212 - Responses to Intervention (RtI) process 7220 - Graduation Options/Early Graduation/Accelerated Programs
7222 - Diploma and/or Credential Options for Students with Disabilities 7240 - Student Records: Access and Challenge 7241 - Student Directory Information
7242 - Military Recruiters' Access to Students 7243 - Student Data Breaches 7250 - Student Privacy, Parental Access to Information, and Administration of Certain Physical Examination to Minors
7260 - Designation of Person in Parental Relation 7270 - Rights of Non-Custodial Parents 7311 - School Conduct and Discipline: Loss or Destruction of District Property or Resources
7313 - School Conduct and Discipline: Suspension of Students 7314 - School Conduct and Discipline: Students Presumed to Have a Disability for Discipline Purposes 7315 - School Conduct and Discipline: Student Acceptable Use Policy
7316 - School Conduct and Discipline: Student Use of Personal Technology 7320 - Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Other Substances 7330 - Searches and Interrogations of Students
7340 - Bus Rules 7350 - Corporal Punishment / Emergency Inventions 7360 - Weapons in School and the Gun-Free Schools Act
7410 - Extracurricular Activities 7420 - Sports and the Athletic Program 7421 - Expansion of Interscholastic Programs
7430 - Contests for Students, Student Awards and Scholarships 7440 - Student Voter Registration and Pre-Registration 7450 - Fund Raising by Students
7460 - Constitutionally Protected Prayer in the Public Schools    
7510 - School Health Services 7511 - Immunization of Students 7512 - Student Physicals
7513 - Administration of Medication 7514 - Student Health Records 7520 - Accidents and Medical Emergencies
7521 - Students with Life Threatening Health Conditions 7522 - Concussion Management 7530 - Child Abuse and Maltreatment
7540 - Suicide Prevention 7550 - Dignity for All Students 7551 - Sexual Harassment of Students
7553 - Hazing of Students 7560 - Notification of Sex Offenders 7570 - Supervision of Students
7580 - Safe Public School Choice Options 7610 - Special Education: District Plan 7611 - Children with Disabilities
7612 - Grouping by Similarity of Needs 7613 - The Role of the Board in Implementing a Student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) 7614 - Preschool Special Education Program
7615 - Least Restrictive Environment 7616 - Prefreferral Intervention Strategies 7617 - Declassification of Students with Disabilities
7620 - Students with Disabilities Participating in District Programs 7621 - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 7631 - Appointment and Training of Committee on Special Education (CSE)/Subcommittee on Special Education Members
7632 - Appointment and Training of Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) Members 7640 - Student Individualized Education Program (IEP): Development and Provision 7641 - Transition Services
7642 - Extended School Year Services and/or Programs 7643 - Transfer Students with Disabilities 7650 - Identification and Register of Children with Disabilities (Child Find)
7660 - Parent Involvement for Children with Disabilities 7670 - Due Process Complaints: Selection and Board Appointment of Impartial Hearing Officers 7680 - Independent Educational Evaluations
7690 - Special Education Mediation    

Section 8000 - Table of Contents
8110 - Curriculum Development, Resources and Evaluation 8130 - Equal Educational Opportunities 8140 - Multi-Cultural Programs
8210 - Safety Conditions and Prevention Instruction 8220 - Career and Technical  (Occupational) Education 8240 - Instructional Programs: Driver Education Gifted and Talented Education and Physical Education
8241 - Patriotism, Citizenship and Human Rights Education 8242 - Civility, Citizenship and Character Education/Interpersonal Violence Prevention Education 8250 - Animals in the School (Instructional Purposes)
8260 - ESSA Title I Parent & Family Engagement 8271 - Instructional Technology: Internet Safety/Internet Content Filtering 8280 - Instruction for English Language Learners
8320 - Selection of Library and Multimedia Materials 8330 - Objection to Instructional Materials and Controversial Issues 8340 - Instructional Materials
8341 - Use of Visual Media 8350 - Use of Copyrighted Materials 8360 - Religious Expression in the Instructional Program
8420 - Opening Exercises 8430 - Independent Study 8440 - Home Instruction (Home Schooling)
8450 - Home Tutoring (Homebound Instruction) 8460 - Field Trips  
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