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ONS Hosts Harvest Dinner

Last Tuesday, the Onondaga Nation School hosted a wonderful harvest dinnerl!

The school began serving meals at 10:45 a.m. and we did not stop serving until almost 1 p.m. All told, the school served over 430 meals for the event!

School faculty and staff helped prepare and serve a stunning assortment of food, including (but not limited to): Corn casserole, butternut squash, corn soup, chocolate chip pumpkin bread, and pumpkin fluff.

The dinner also hosted some fun prize events, including a basket raffle, bike raffle, and 50/50 fundraiser, all in support of end-of-the-year field trips for the students.

everyone gathered for dinner
all smiles at the harvest dinner
baskets of prizes
lots of food options
posing for a picture
a great community turnout
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