Learning from Home Recap March 30 and 31, 2020
Learning from Home - Recap March 30 and 31, 2020
Dear LaFayette School Community -
Thank you to our students, staff, and parents for working together! As a reminder, our school campuses are currently closed. Students - we are sending home materials or asking students to participate in distance learning.
Here is a link to a brief recap video for March 30 and 31, 2020 - click here
Here is a link to the Google Slides presentation - click here
f you are interested in touching base with Superintendent Jeremy Belfield via a live video chat on Thursday April 2, 2020 at 5:00 PM, please email Mr. Belfield for the Google Meets link - jbelfield@lafayetteschools.org
Fill Out a Free/Reduced Lunch Application
If your family is in a tough economic situation, consider filling out the application for free/reduced meals - click here
Remember to put in your meal order:
Meal Service
The school district will plan on having meals available to students during the period when schools are closed. You can contact our food service department via the following methods:
Phone Food Service Director Mr. Rob Kennedy at 315-956-0371 or 315-677-9510
Email Mr. Kennedy at rkennedy@lafayetteschools.org
Meals will be available for all students. If you do not qualify for free or reduced lunch, your child’s lunch account will be charged if you order meals.
You can pick up meals at these locations (no need to call ahead for pickup):
Onondaga Nation School Main Entrance Door #1
LaFayette High School - NorthSide Cafeteria Entrance Door #2
There will be one pick up time for breakfast and lunch: 11:00-12:00
Meals will be served during Spring Break - April 6-April 9 The district will be closed on Friday April 10th (meals for Friday distributed on Thursday April 9th)
Please be advised that meal service is available but our cafeterias are closed to adhere to social distancing requirements.
If you require meal delivery, families should call Food Service prior to 8:30 am: Rob Kennedy 315-956-0371 or email rkennedy@lafayetteschools.org. Please do not call the transportation department for meal delivery. For requested meal deliveries:
Please be aware that someone must be present at the home (meals cannot be left).
Please plan on coming outside to meet the driver at your child’s bus pick up location between 11-12.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 315-529-9550 (cell) or 315-677-9728 (office) or jbelfield@lafayetteschools.org
Jeremy Belfield
Superintendent of Schools
LaFayette Central School District