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Class of 2020 Transitions Senior Funds Trip into Worthy Cause

Like so many other things affected by COVID-19, the LaFayette Central School District’s Class of 2020 saw its senior trip go up in smoke, as the pandemic forced society’s hand and greatly limited travel and large gatherings in order to maintain safety.

Instead of moping about their misfortune, the Class of 2020 saw an opportunity to produce some good out of its situation. Sitting on a tidy sum of money that had been earmarked for the senior trip, the graduating class (led by its class officers, pictured here) put their heads together and tried to come up with some institutions who might be able to use that money to great effect.

They settled on one of the best, making a $1,300 donation to the Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. It was an amazingly kind act, borne out of awful circumstances.

class of 2020 donates check to golisano children's hospital

As COVID continues to impact our collective routines, perhaps few groups were more affected in that capacity than this year’s seniors. A big shout-out to the Class of 2020 for making an impact during tough times, and turning a negative into an overwhelming positive!
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