Upcoming Training Opportunities for Parents
The following list of upcoming trainings are specifically designed for parents/families/caregivers of preschool children. Please click on the titles of any of these trainings to be taken to their respective registration page.CPSE - CSE Transition
Dates: 3/9/2021
Program: Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement Center @ Syracuse University
The transition from preschool to kindergarten can be a time of excitement but it can also be a source of anxiety. Transitions are made easier when families and providers understand the process. This workshop will help participants to understand the transition process, to be an active member of the transition team, to understand the difference between services in CPSE and CSE, and to understand the purpose of an IEP. For parents, they will come away from this workshop with a better understanding of what to expect as their children move on to kindergarten.
NOTE: Registration closes 1/2 day prior to start of training; Training link will be emailed no later than morning of session.
CPSE - CSE Transition
Dates: 3/24/2021
Program: Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement Center @ Syracuse University
The transition from preschool to kindergarten can be a time of excitement but it can also be a source of anxiety. Transitions are made easier when families and providers understand the process. This workshop will help participants to understand the transition process, to be an active member of the transition team, to understand the difference between services in CPSE and CSE, and to understand the purpose of an IEP. For parents, they will come away from this workshop with a better understanding of what to expect as their children move on to kindergarten.
NOTE: Registration closes 1/2 day prior to start of training; Training link will be emailed no later than morning of session.
CPSE - CSE Transition
Dates: 4/7/2021
Program: Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement Center @ Syracuse University
The transition from preschool to kindergarten can be a time of excitement but it can also be a source of anxiety. Transitions are made easier when families and providers understand the process. This workshop will help participants to understand the transition process, to be an active member of the transition team, to understand the difference between services in CPSE and CSE, and to understand the purpose of an IEP. For parents, they will come away from this workshop with a better understanding of what to expect as their children move on to kindergarten.
NOTE: Registration closes 1/2 day prior to start of training; Training link will be emailed no later than morning of session.
Positive Solutions for Families
Dates: 4/8/2021
Program: Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement Center @ Syracuse University
This training is intended for parents of young children. Developed by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL), Positive Solutions for Families is an evidence-based parent training to help parents promote positive and effective parenting behaviors, which will in turn promote children's social and emotional development and address the challenging behavior and mental health needs of children.
NOTE: Zoom Link will be emailed one day prior to event. Please click on image below for more information.
Explicit Vocabulary Instruction For Parents
Dates: 4/20/2021
Program: School Age Family and Community Engagement Center @ Syracuse University
A virtual workshop designed to enable parents of preschool and elementary students to foster vocabulary development at home.
•Participants will be able to explain the importance of vocabulary instruction for their young children in the preschool and elementary grades.
•Participants will be able to describe ways to incorporate explicit instruction and vocabulary instruction in the home.
NOTE: Zoom link will be sent out one day prior to session.
Understanding the IEP for Preschool (For Preschool Parents)
Dates: 4/22/2021
Program: Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement Center @ Syracuse University
The presentation is developed to provide families/parents and caregivers an overview of the process for developing an Individual Education Program (IEP) using a collaborative approach. The training provides a review of the areas of the IEP and the information that a parent, family and/or caregiver can share with the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) regarding their child's performance and disability related needs.
NOTE: Training link will be sent to all registrants no later than morning of session. Please click on the image below for more information.