2024-2025 Budget Vote and Board Election
2024-2025 Budget Vote Reminder
Dear LaFayette CSD School Community:
Be sure to stop by the LaFayette Jr./Sr. High School and let your voice be heard on the proposed 2024-2025 school district budget, vehicle proposition, and board election. The polls are open from 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM on Tuesday May 21, 2024.
The proposed budget provides great opportunities for students, including college credit courses for high school students, career and technical education opportunities for students, transportation for internships and community learning experiences for Big Picture Students, and supports addressing the social-emotional and mental health needs of our students. LaFayette voters will also weigh in on our board of education election, consider purchasing three (3) diesel powered school buses, consider establishing a capital reserve and vehicle replacement reserves, and consider adding an ex-officio/non-voting student board member.
All of our budget materials are available on our website - click here. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
We look forward to seeing you at the polls!
Jeremy Belfield
Superintendent of Schools
LaFayette Central School District
315-529-9550 (cell)