Online booking for BOCES audio visual materials |
Enchanted Learning K-12 educational material that is published online, including 25,000 pages that cover a wide range of topics. New pages are created almost every day. |
Arts in Education Request Form | is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. |
LaFayette Technology Youtube tutorials Lafayette Technology Webpage |
Great Websites for Kids Vetted Websites for all subject areas for young children |
Social Studies | Science |
New Social Studies Framework Tool Kit K-8 Social studies Framework Inquiries: K-4 Inquiries and Key Ideas 5-8 Inquiries and Key Ideas |
Digital Collection of local historical documents and artifacts |
New York State Geography Alliance |
Smithsonian Teacher Guides | |
Putnam BOCES K-8 Social Studies Curriuculm and Resources | | |