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Wellness Center

Monday - Thursday

2:40 - 3:30 p.m. - Open to all senior high school students

3:30 - 5:30 p.m. -  Open to student athletes (with coach supervision) 

Mondays and Thursdays

5:30 - 7:30 p.m. -  Open to community members.  All children must be accompanied by a parent/caregiver.  Please enter through the North Parking Lot Door Number 7.  

Contact Mr. McKenna


The Wellnes Center can only be open when the school is open, so be sure to keep an eye out for school closures due to things like inclement weather. The Wellness Center will also be closed during school vacations and holidays, as there is no custodial staff during those days. Please be sure to check out the district calendar for the most up-to-date information on availability.

There will always be a knowledgable supervisor on hand to check you into the center, and to offer help and suggestions where needed.

A Brief History:

The Wellness Center was the long time dream of Kris Terrillion, Director of Physical Eduation at LaFayette Central School. It was started with funds from the school district, 21st Century grant, Senator John DeFrancisco and the Community Foundation. The Wellness Center opened it's doors in February 2001. It is intended as a life-long learning site to improve the health and well being of LaFayette students, staff an community.


Weight Machines

Leg Flexion
Shoulder Press
Lat Pull-down
Chest Press
Cable Cross-over
Lower back
Forearm Machine
Free Weights
Shoulder Raises
Reverse Fly
Bicep Curls
Seated Row
Hip Abduction and Adduction
Leg Extension

Cardio Machines

4 Treadmills
Recumbent bike
Upright bike
Elliptical Cross-trainer


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